Stamp Stories from around the world

CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

In 1929 Prince Johann II died and Prince Franz I took over the throne. On that occasion, a series of stamps with portraits of the new regent was issued. Today’s 10 rappen stamp show a youth portrait of prince Franz I. CV is 2 euros for at mint copy.
CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

In 1921, Switzerland took over the management of Liechtenstein’s postal service. Today’s stamp showing Liechtenstein’s coat of arms is overprinted with with 2 Rp (rappen), the face value in the new currency. CV is 7 euros for a mint copy.
CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

In 1919, following the dissolution of Austria-Hungary the Liechtenstein government could no longer rely on Austria to fulfil their monetary and diplomatic needs. Liechtenstein and Switzerland signed a treaty under which Switzerland assumes the representation of...
CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

CLASSIC STAMPS: Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, a small European principality nestled between Switzerland and Austria, has a fascinating postal history that dates back to the 18th century. The territory initially relied on postal services provided by its neighboring countries. The first stamps of...
AMERICAN Presidents

AMERICAN Presidents

John Tyler (1790-1862) was an American politician. From 1841 to 1845 he was the 10th President of the United States. Tyler was trained as a lawyer and as a Democrat held a seat in the House of Representatives in 1817-1821. He was governor of Virginia in 1825-1827 and...