af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | apr 13, 2023 | Stamp of the day
The 7th country to issue stamps was Belgium. On 1. July 1849 Belgium issued two stamps with the denominations of 10 & 20 centimes. The stamps all show the portrait of King Leopold I, the first king of Belgium who ruled from 1831 until 1865. Todays stamp is the 10...
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | apr 12, 2023 | Stamp of the day
The 6th country to issue stamps was France. On 1. January 1849 France issued seven stamps with different denominations. The stamps all show the portrait of the roman goddess Ceres. Todays stamp is the 40 centimes red orange.
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | apr 11, 2023 | Stamp of the day
The 5th country to issue stamps was the small island Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. This English colony issued their first two stamps on 21. September 1847. They show the portrait of Queen Victoria taken from the first stamp of the world: The one penny black from...
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | apr 10, 2023 | Stamp of the day
The fourth country to issue stamps was United States of America. On 1. July 1847 USA issued their first two stamps. A 5 cent stamp showing Benjamin Franklin (todays stamp), and a 10 cent stamp showing George Washington.
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | apr 8, 2023 | Stamp of the day
The third country to issue stamps was Switzerland. The canton of Zurich issued the so called “Zurich 4 stamp” on 1. March 1843. Actually two other cantons (Geneva & Basel) in Switzerland issued stamps before the next country, USA, came along.