af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | jul 20, 2023 | Stamp of the day
Egyptian Maus are a small to medium sized short haired cat breed. They are one of the few naturally spotted breeds of domestic cats. The spots of the Mau appear only on the tips of the hairs on its coat. It is considered a rare breed. Todays stamp showing the Egyptian...
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | jul 18, 2023 | Stamp of the day
British rule in Burma lasted from 1824 to 1948. It started from the successive three Anglo-Burmese wars through the creation of Burma as a province of British India to the establishment of an independently administered colony. The rule finally ended with independence....
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | jul 17, 2023 | Stamp of the day
Brunei is located in the northern part of the Indonesian island Kalimantan. In 1888, Brunei became a British protectorate and was assigned a British resident as colonial manager in 1906. After the Japanese occupation during World War II, a new constitution was written...
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | jul 16, 2023 | Stamp of the day
The islands north-east of Australia of what is now the Solomon Islands nation were created by Germany, Britain and France between 1886 and 1899. The British Solomon Islands Protectorate was proclaimed in 1893 and remained in place until 1978, when the islands became...
af Vagn Juhl-Larsen | jul 15, 2023 | Stamp of the day
British Honduras was a Crown colony on the east coast of Central America, south of Mexico, from 1783 to 1964, then a self-governing colony, renamed Belize in June 1973, until September 1981, when it gained full independence as Belize. British postage stamps were...